Lincoln Village
1330 W. Lincoln Ave.
Port Washington, WI 53074
(262) 205-7652
Our Promise to You
Our quality promise starts with commitment. Lincoln Village Senior Living is committed to listening to YOU. Got an idea? A suggestion? We want to hear it. Quality matters so we appreciate your ideas and input. Whether you are an employee, a resident, a family member or a visitor, let us know. Contact your executive director or email us today!
"*" indicates required fields
var Config = {
propertyUniqueId: 'HSLW004',
chatConsole: '',
tenant: 'Enquire Solutions',
showProfiles: false,
profiles: ['Lincoln Village Senior Living'],
label: 'Thank you for visiting Lincoln Village Senior Living. How may we help you with your loved one?'
var propertyUniqueId = Config.propertyUniqueID;
var fields = {
question: {
label: Config.label
'Omni.ELEADS_ID': {
value: Config.propertyUniqueId,
show: false
// The addWidget method displays the static Chat widget on the page
type: "chat",
rootUrl: "",
tenant: Config.tenant,
profiles: Config.profiles,
showProfiles: false,
theme: "default-theme.css",
fields: fields
// The options variable is used to configure the Proactive Chat
var options = {
customChatFields: fields,
tenant: Config.tenant,
restAPI: '',
chatConsole: '',
showProfiles: false,
notificationType: 'notification' // notification, modal, callback
// The init method initalizes the Proactive Chat
// The parameters variable is used to setup the Proactive Chat for this specific page
var parameters = {
pageId: 'home',
fields: [],
profiles: Config.profiles
// The startNewPage method activates the Proactive Chat functions for this page