Contact us to schedule a tour!  262-205-7652


Lincoln Village Senior Living provides a number of resources, readily available for download, for anyone seeking more information on the best senior care and Assisted Living options in Wisconsin.

Aging & Disability Resource Center of Ozaukee County
121 W. Main Street
Port Washington, WI 53074
Toll-Free: 866-537-4261
Fx: 262-268-7726

Alzheimer’s & Dementia Alliance
517 North Segoe Road, Suite 301
Madison, WI 53705
Toll-free: 888-308-6251
Fax: 608-232-3407

Alzheimer’s Association – Eau Claire
404 1/2 N. Bridge Street
Chippewa Falls, WI 54729
Toll Free: 800-272-3900
Fax: 715-720-4860

Aging & Disability Resource Center of Eau
Claire County
721 Oxford Ave., Room 1550
Eau Claire, WI 54703
Toll-Free: 888-338-4636

Alzheimer’s Association– Southeastern Wisconsin
The Alzheimer’s Association is the world leader in Alzheimer’s research and support. With the first and largest voluntary health organization dedicated to finding prevention methods, the Alzheimer’s Association works tirelessly to find treatments and an eventual cure for Alzheimer’s.
Alzheimer’s Association – Southeastern WI Chapter
620 S. 76th St., Suite 160
Milwaukee, WI 53214

Wisconsin Assisted Living Association
Heritage Senior Living is a member of the WALA. A statewide leader in assisted living advocacy and educatio for over a decade, WALA works on behalf of it’s industry, members, and the residents we all serve, supporting assisted living excellence in Wisconsin.

Wisconsin Department of Health Services
The state of Wisconsin offers a variety of information on programs and services for older people and their caregivers.
Ombudsman Office
State of Wisconsin Board and Aging Long-term Care Ombudsman Program
1402 Parkratz St., Suite 111
Madison, WI 53704-4001

Assisted Living Federation of America (ALFA)
ALFA is a professional assisted living association that embraces an assisted living philosophy of choice for seniors.

Aging and Disability Resource Center of Dane County
2865 N. Sherman Ave.
Madison, WI 53704
Toll-Free: 855-417-6892

Aging & Disability Resource Center of Waukesha County
500 Riverview Avenue
Waukesha, WI 53188
Toll-Free: 866-677-ADRC

Milwaukee County Department on Aging
11220 W. Vliet Street, 3rd Floor, Suite 302
Milwaukee, WI 53233
Toll-Free: 866-229-9695

Detox Elderly Addiction Specialists is a network of addiction treatment facilities that provide drug and alcohol detox, support, and comprehensive substance abuse treatment services to the individuals and families struggling with addiction.
Toll-Free: 800-483-2193
